Garance Dore Column My Beauty Manifesto
Garance Dore Column My Beauty Manifesto

Garance Doré: My Beauty Manifesto

April 10, 2024
Author: Garance Doré
April 10, 2024

Garance Doré: My Beauty Manifesto

Author: Garance Doré
For those of you who don’t know me, Hi, I’m Garance, and I co-founded this fantastic brand with Emily. I love writing, I love taking photos, I love drawing, and nothing makes me happier in this world than people with a solid sense of humor.I am about to turn 49 years old and I have a lot to say about beauty. One of the things I do is write about my life in my newsletter, and this is why Emily—who, really, is the big boss of Doré—asked me if I could come up with a column where I would share all my knowledge, my insights, and also some of my opinions about beauty. Some of them might surprise you…A lot of these insights came together to create our vision for Doré, so I thought…Ok, this makes sense.So here is my first column and to start, I thought I’d share my beauty… can we say manifesto?Let’s say manifesto.
  • Everyone is unique and possesses a singular beauty that only demands to be cultivated (I know, I sound like a Pinterest Board, just keep reading!)
  • Our skin is a genius. It knows exactly what to do in most situations and our skincare should be here to accompany the natural process, not disturb it.
  • Simple gestures are better than dramatic processes. It’s the small things that add up in the end. Gently clean, moisturize, protect. It’s as simple as that.
  • There is nothing morally wrong with a little help. It’s a question of opinions and ethics, but things like Botox, fillers, and why not plastic surgery in the right conditions, can work wonders. We’re never in the business of judgement—or gatekeeping—at Doré!
  • Do no harm. Trends are raging out there and a lot of mistakes are made with active ingredients, lasers and new treatments that haven’t been proven to be beneficial in the long term. I’ll dig more into these in my notes to you. Education and reason are the key.
  • Embrace the process. Aging can be a beautiful thing. It’s all about finding who we are within each decade and what our appearance reflects from our inner self.
  • Do not take it too seriously. At the end of the day, people will remember how you made them feel, not the size of your pores. Keep that in mind, learn to laugh about your little flaws, and remember to live!
I think that sums up my beliefs about beauty. Let’s start here?And please ask me all of your questions. I’ll be back… Em will certainly make sure of that.G
For those of you who don’t know me, Hi, I’m Garance, and I co-founded this fantastic brand with Emily. I love writing, I love taking photos, I love drawing, and nothing makes me happier in this world than people with a solid sense of humor.I am about to turn 49 years old and I have a lot to say about beauty. One of the things I do is write about my life in my newsletter, and this is why Emily—who, really, is the big boss of Doré—asked me if I could come up with a column where I would share all my knowledge, my insights, and also some of my opinions about beauty. Some of them might surprise you…A lot of these insights came together to create our vision for Doré, so I thought…Ok, this makes sense.So here is my first column and to start, I thought I’d share my beauty… can we say manifesto?Let’s say manifesto.
  • Everyone is unique and possesses a singular beauty that only demands to be cultivated (I know, I sound like a Pinterest Board, just keep reading!)
  • Our skin is a genius. It knows exactly what to do in most situations and our skincare should be here to accompany the natural process, not disturb it.
  • Simple gestures are better than dramatic processes. It’s the small things that add up in the end. Gently clean, moisturize, protect. It’s as simple as that.
  • There is nothing morally wrong with a little help. It’s a question of opinions and ethics, but things like Botox, fillers, and why not plastic surgery in the right conditions, can work wonders. We’re never in the business of judgement—or gatekeeping—at Doré!
  • Do no harm. Trends are raging out there and a lot of mistakes are made with active ingredients, lasers and new treatments that haven’t been proven to be beneficial in the long term. I’ll dig more into these in my notes to you. Education and reason are the key.
  • Embrace the process. Aging can be a beautiful thing. It’s all about finding who we are within each decade and what our appearance reflects from our inner self.
  • Do not take it too seriously. At the end of the day, people will remember how you made them feel, not the size of your pores. Keep that in mind, learn to laugh about your little flaws, and remember to live!
I think that sums up my beliefs about beauty. Let’s start here?And please ask me all of your questions. I’ll be back… Em will certainly make sure of that.G
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